Home > Guitar Hero?, Real Life > Every hero started at level 1

Every hero started at level 1

So about two weeks ago, my guitar came, along with an epic amount of packing material. The package was almost as tall as me. One might call it overkill. I’ve begun the long road to guitar herohood, mostly with messing around with chords.

At first, it was … well … terrible. As expected, the strings had a fun time with my fingers, although that passed quicker than I thought. After flexing my then-non-existent musical knowledge to “tune” my guitar, I started off trying to play some chords. And I thought they sounded kinda bad. But I figured I was just too uneducated to know what the good stuff sounded like.

Well, I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong. Took me two weeks to figure out that the whole thing was pretty much horrifically out of tune. Friday night, I sat down and actually worked it all out. As it happens, just because the green light on the tuner goes on, that doesn’t mean you’re in tune. At any rate, hitting that E Major after getting everything in the proper key was downright amazing.

So, I guess the moral of the story is that I’m learning the play guitar. I sort of figured I should post about it. So, there you are.

Categories: Guitar Hero?, Real Life
  1. Ruth
    June 11, 2007 at 12:05 pm

    I noticed it sounded off when I tried it… I mean when I heard you play… runs away

  2. Grandma
    June 11, 2007 at 12:29 pm

    Have patience, and don’t be too hard on yourself. At Thaksgiving, however, you ought to be ready for a command performance. We’ll look forward to it.

  3. June 12, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    Same thing happened with me. I was like “this guitar sounds funny, but it’s hitting a note when I strum the one string… hrm….” and then I found out that each string had to hit SPECIFIC notes… Eh, oh well.

  4. hobershort
    June 13, 2007 at 2:22 am

    That’s why you get to play the desk.

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