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Well, that was interesting

No, I wasn’t expecting that interruption in service either. A couple of things contributed.

Chief among them was trying to be informative, thorough, and still entertaining with the business about the Screen Savers. If you want thorough, though, Wikipedia’s your better bet. At any rate, here’s a list of folks of interest and their work post-TechTV:

  • Patrick Norton: Formerly DL.TV (With Roger Chang and Robert Heron), now cohost of Revision3’s TekZilla.
  • Leo Laporte: The TWiT.tv “netcast” network, which produces gems like Security Now. Even the original This Week in Tech (TWiT) “netcast” has redeemed itself by doing away with its decadent two-hour shows of a dozen panelists. It’s four or five people talking for a reasonable amount of time about tech news. Also, (I can’t stress this enough) Security Now.
  • Various other TechTV crew including Jessica Corbin and Sarah Lane who now contribute to TekZilla.

Patrick Norton has always been somewhat infamous for a judicious use of a sledgehammer on technologies that do not please him. However, TekZilla has taken it to a new level when he actually ran over an offending office printer going about 30 miles per hour in his pickup truck. That, more than anything else, told me the spirit of TechTV was with them.

In other news, science is super-cool.

Categories: Uncategorized
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